Spring time will be here before we know it and one of my favorite things to do is go on road trips and visit wineries that are along the way. It’s a great way to check out new wines and I’m not one to turn down a chance to support small businesses either. You know just doing my part to help the economy…LOL. Here’s a trip a took a few years back that I’m hoping to visit again this year.
I had the pleasure of visiting the Purple Toad Winery in Paducah, Kentucky. Any time we take a road trip, one of the first things I do is to check and see which wineries we will pass on the way there or back home. Several came up, but the Name “Purple Toad” just sounded like it would be a cool place to visit and the reviews on Yelp were pretty good.
Purple Toad Winery is located on the edge of Paducah, Kentucky. The name “Purple Toad Winery” originated from the color of your toes when grapes were pressed the old-fashioned way. They combine modern wine making techniques with old world knowledge to produce award-winning wines. The winery is quaint and just off the beaten path. Once we arrived we were greeted by Shadow, a black labrador, who quickly made his way onto the sun porch since it was so darn hot and humid! Inside the shop there were several gifts and wine related items available for purchase. Ian, our server, was so nice and handed me a listing of all of their wines. Since I would be driving home I decided I’d limit my tastings (which are free) to just four. 😉
The four wines I tried were Grant’s Pomegranate, Sangria, Black & Blue and Lauren’s Blackberry. I immediately knew that I would be buying Grant’s Pomegranate! It had a sweet taste, but not so sweet that you felt like you were drinking kool-aid…LOL! So for my 2nd bottle I just chose something that would be a nice good-bye to Summer and chose Sangria.
Ian also showed us where they bottle up the wine as well as where the wine is fermented! It was so nice to get a behind the scenes look at the beautiful winery. After I finish my tastings, the girls and I took a stroll around the property. It was so nice to see the grapes growing on the vines and of course my 4-year-old wanted to taste them all!
So glad that we stopped at the winery and I will definitely be back the next time I’m in Paducah, KY! If you are in that area, be sure to stop by and do a tasting. You won’t be disappointed!
So what’s your favorite winery to visit? Please share and maybe I’ll get a chance to visit it on one of my many road trips! Take care and remember to drink responsibly!
Hmmm… Haven’t ventured to many winery other than Chateau Élan & Helen, GA but this place seems supa cute given the hence of the name & meaning! Sounds like fun especially for your wine-o instincts! Lol! J/K
I see Mo-Mo!!!!!
Wine-o instincts…LMAO!!! I like the fancy sounding of that winery, Chateau Elan & Helen! I may just have to check that out the next time I’m donw that way. 😉
What a pretty area. My neck of Texas is known for the winery in the city where I live.
I know my friends LOVE to go there.
Veronica I may be coming to Houston for an event in December and will def be checking out wineries if I have time!
Nice pictures! Your trip must be fun. Your little girl looks enjoyed.
She ran around like a man woman and had a ball! LOL
This looks like a very nice place to visit. But since I don’t drink, it would be pointless. For my 12th wedding anniversary 2 years ago, hubby and I went to Chateau Elan in Georgia for a weekend celebration. We did a wine tasting and he drank his wine and mine! LOL
I’ve heard a lot about that winery. I’ll definitely have to check it out the next time I’m down that way!
I’ve heard a lot of things about Chateau Elan and will have to make a visit the next time I’m down there!
I love the name too…it would’ve definitely caught my attention! This is a #WINWIN for Mommy and Daughter…you get wine she gets a healthy treat! LOVE IT!!! I need to check out the wineries here in Cleveland there are quite a few!