Happy Wine Wednesday! Today I wanted to introduce you all to one of my other favorite wine types – Muscadine wine!
Muscadines are truly a Southern Treasure! Just one more benefit of Southern living, as they are only found here! A Muscadine is a grape. They are different from most grapes in that they do not grow in a bunch. They grow two to three together on the vine, are thick-skinned, pulpy, and have large seeds. Their flavor is phenomenal, and their aroma is heavenly. The Muscadine grape makes a most wonderfully delicious sweet wine: incomparable and delectable.
I tried Barrister’s Red wine a few years ago when I visited The Beachaven Winery in Clarksville, TN which is about 48 miles from Nashville. Luckily for me I don’t have to make the hour long trip to buy more of this awesome wine. I can drive just a short distance (5 minutes) and I’m once again reunited with one of my wine loves! LOL One of the things I like the most about this wine is the funny cartoon label. I would always forget the name of the wine and when I would ask the clerk where I could find it I would say “I’m looking for the muscadine wine with the fat white guy taking a bubble bath.” So er uh… you can imagine all the crazy looks I would get! But it was all worth it in the end!
So if you’re looking for a new, sweet wine to try definitely check out your local liquor store and see if they carry it. What are some other types of wine you enjoy? Please share and let me know if you try this one!
CHEERS Alisha!, and Happy 4th of July! I have to get back into the swing of things with my blog soon! but in the meantime, I will keep toasting your Wednesday cocktails!!:) Have a good one!
Thanks so much Jeanne and I hope you all have a great 4th too!