Why did my daughter have to get Vitiligo? That’s a question that I’ve struggled with a lot over this last year. As parents we want nothing but the best for our children. We want them to be happy, love life and healthy. With everything going on in the world, I feel guilty at times for always asking “Why her” or “What did I do wrong?” Last year I did a post on Helping Children Deal with Vitiligo. When I wrote that piece my 5-year-old daughter was just started to show signs of having vitiligo. I noticed white spots on her hands and feet and dismissed them as scars since they were so small. As the Summer ended and she spent more time outdoors, I noticed those white spots got larger and started to spread to other parts of her body.
What exactly is vitiligo? Vitiligo may be an autoimmune disease. These diseases happen when your immune system mistakenly attacks some part of your own body. In vitiligo, the immune system may destroy the cells, melanocytes, that give skin its coloration. It is also possible that one or more genes may make a person more likely to get the disorder. Some speculate that it could be emotional distress or a sunburn. And that’s what makes this so frustrating! There is no cure and no one knows what causes it.
Three types of vitiligo differ in how many patches someone has and where they are on the body. They are:
- Focal vitiligo. A person has a few vitiligo spots in a single area.
- Generalized vitiligo. A person has many vitiligo patches all over the body and they tend to affect the right and left sides of the body in a symmetrical pattern, like a mirror image. This is the most common type of vitiligo.
- Segmental vitiligo. A person has vitiligo patches on one part or side of the body and usually nowhere else. This is the least common type of vitiligo
As a mom I want to do everything I can to protect her physically as well as mentally. We all know that people can stare, judge people purely on their physical appearance or even say ugly things. That is where I want to make sure that my daughter knows that her spots are beautiful and unique! Physically I have to make sure and protect her skin from the sun. Because vitiligo spots have no melanin, they can’t tan. If the skin isn’t protected with sunscreen, vitiligo patches may burn or scar. If it were possible my daughter would be outside 24/7. I have NO clue where she gets that from because nature and I aren’t good friends…LOL! So I’ve become very vigilant about using sunscreen and reapply throughout the day to help prevent sunburn.
What I also hope to do while discussing this topic is to bring awareness to others and also support for those that have vitiligo. If you or someone you know has vitiligo and would like to share your story, please contact me at info@wineingmomma.com.
Thank you for joining us as our share Morgan’s story. <3
Thanks for sharing Morgan’s story! She is beautiful no matter what. Have you checked out model Winnie Harlow? She has vitiligo and is such a wonderful person. I remember first seeing her on America’s Next Top Model.
Thanks Lou and I actually hadn’t heard of Winnie until I was searching the hashtag “vitiligo” on IG.
Both your girls are beautiful no matter what. I understand your frustration with this disorder, I have psoriasis which is also an auto-immune disorder attacking the skin. Instead of light spots like Morgan, I have red splotches everywhere. AND I have a large brown birthmark on my upper arm. So Morgan is chocolate-vanilla swirl and I am Neopolitan!
Kids can be cruel, I hope she understands her beauty is not dependent on the approval of others. I wish I had learned that as a child!
Rose you two will make the perfect sundae combination! She def knows her smile gets her away with A LOT and I’ll do my best as mom to be her best cheerleader and realize beauty is an individual thing and she has lots to offer this crazy world. 😀
I often ask myself that about Emma and her cleft lip and palate…but God knew we could handle this so he gave her to us! Same with you He knew you could handle this and your daughter could too so He gave her to you…and He knew you could handle the awareness part!!! She’s beautiful and that’s all that matters!!!!
Carissa thank you so much! You have no idea how much your words and support mean. #wipesatear
I’d been wanting to talk about this topic for a while, but thought some might see it as trivial and being vain. But my goal is to make others aware and if I can help one parent or person that has vitiligo than I’ve done my part. <3
God gave you a platform and a topic! I love that you are sharing it here, each one teach one. We’ve all seen something with vitiligo but I didn’t really know much about it. This is just one more thing that makes her extra special and unique.
Thank you so much Mimi! I’ll catch myself going up and talking to others about it because Morgan doesn’t like to talk about it or me even mention it. But I know if she has any questions or concerns, I’ll be here to help her little sassy butt out…LOL!
Great post can’t wait to learn more and see more of your adorable baby girl!
Thanks Maria! So excited to share with you all and thankful for you all wanting to learn more 🙂
Beautiful article! Mo is such a beautiful little girl and God blessed you with a wonderful platform to share her story. Keep me posted because I would love to learn more. Winnie Harlow is a beautiful model who has it and I’m glad she’s not letting it affect her while being such a role model to others!
Thank LaTanya!!! <3
I’ve heard of vitiligo before. There’s a newscaster in this area that sometimes wears makeup to read the news because he has it. Morgan is a cute little girl!
I think I’ve heard of that newscaster too! Thanks for stopping by Liz! 😀
I love this post! I’m glad to have met pretty Morgan in person and can’t wait for my son to meet her. I have an 8 year old nephew with Vitiligo. I believe his is Focal (I never knew there were different types until I read this post) since it’s only present on his scalp right now. For a while he was a little down about it because it also caused that section of his hair to be colorless and really noticeable. But now he loves his streak and knows that it makes him unique and special.
Thanks Candice!
Morgan is BEAUTIFUL! Good work, Mom. You have one hilarious, smart, spunky kid. Oh, and if she wants to be outside..send her to me and I’ll send her to camp where she can BE outside covered in sunscreen!
Laura I’m packing her bags now…LOL!
Why did your daughter get Vitiligo? You make never know the answer. I am so glad that you decided to share Morgan story a inspiration to us all. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you!
I know the feeling. I often ask myself WHY my perfect little boy is allergic to so many things. Beautiful post. I think we are given our children because God knows we are the best mommies for them!
LaShawn that’s so true! I just have to remember that when I feel like I”m not being the best mom 😉
Morgan’s Story is inspiring and is as beautiful as she is.
Thank you! 😉
Thanks so much for sharing your daughter’s story. I’ve become more aware of vitiligo in recent years as I’ve noticed more people with it. I also didn’t know there were different kinds. And I agree with LaShawn, God knows what he’s doing when he gives us our children!
Your daughter is beautiful! I can imagine it is hard to deal with as a parent and wanting to protect your child. I am sure you will give her the love and support she needs to live a full and happy life!
I totally agree with Michellette, this is just one of the things about your wee one that makes her unique and special. I don’t know anyone personally who has vitiligo but I see people from time to time and of course the model, who I think is so awesome for not wanting to cover herself up. I am sure that you and your daughter will make such a difference for other people, teaching them and expanding their minds to take in all the ways that we are all beautiful.
She’s a strong little girl and I’m so excited about all of the support from everyone!
Thank you for sharing your daughter’s journey. She’s beautiful! I know that it must be hard to see her go through this. But, with your support and awareness, she’s going to be just fine. Be strong and stay dillgent. I look forward to reading more of your journey!
Your Morgan is beautiful. It is very strong of you to share her story. You are creating a journal of love to share with her for years to come. Hugs to you mama.
We met today at the Meetup in Antioch and I wanted to say something then about Morgan’s Vitiligo and a good ProBiotic would help but wanted to double check before I stuck my foot in my mouth. I did check with some of my counterparts and Yes it will, as I mentioned today we have a ProBio5 that helps with skin problems, brain fog, etc. Here is an article that will tell you more about it http://blog.probacto.com/vitiligo-and-candida-connection/ . If you want more information on it let me know or go to my website on my card I gave you. It might just do wonders for your precious Morgan!
Thank Laurie! I’ll be checking out the info you gave me and the site!
Everything happens for a reason, don’t blame yourself…plenty of people with Vitiligo lead happy and healthy lives. My brother was born with cerebral palsy and mental retardation; my mom had a lot of struggles, but at age 33 he is happy and healthy!
As long as they are healthy and happy, that’s what its really all about 🙂
Thanks for explaining what vitiligo is and the precautions necessary for protection from the sun. I did not know any of that before reading your post.