Lordy lordy look who’s 40… and out of shape! I’ve always been able to just whip back in shape with little to no effort. Well that has all come to a drastic halt! My metabolism has slowed down to a snail’s pace and this hot momma needs to get her arse back in shape.
For now I will spare ALL OF YOU from being blinded by my before picture. Let’s just say it is NOT pretty and I’m pretty damn embarrassed by it. I though I was hot sh*t until I saw my picture from behind. I’m still in shock and had to immediately have a bottle glass of wine to calm my nerves…I’m just saying!
Unfortunately I haven’t been doing the diet to a T because we have been traveling and it’s really hard to try to keep all of the fruits and veggies stocked like I need to with a hotel room sized refrigerator. But I have been working out and thank goodness the place where we are staying has an awesome gym. Even comes with buffed Coast Guards. Makes me want to work out even more! LOL
I am so honored to be a part of this blogger Revolt Fitness Challenge and would love for you all to join me on this journey. Nichole Huntsman, the creator of Revolt, put together an awesome meal plan and fitness regimen. I can not wait to show you all my results at the end of the 12 weeks. Revolt Fitness isn’t just for bloggers! For just $10/month you can have access to this great program too! That’s next to free if you compare it to a gym membership or home gym!
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