So apparently when that darn rodent popped his head out and declared “6 more weeks of Winter suckers” he wasn’t playing! I live in the Nashville area and this by far has been one of the coldest, weirdest Winters I can recall in my 20 years of living here’s . It’s been in the single digits (and below) for overnight lows and snow/freezing rain/sleet hit us 3 times and one week! And to top it off one night we experienced cryoseism which is basically like an ice quake. Booms were going off that night and I just knew my house was cracking into pieces around me or ice sliding off the house and hitting the ground with tremendous force…nope, just Mother Nature. Which I why I’m calling it the week from Winter hell! hahaha
Speaking of Mother Nature, I’ve been in my house all week…with 2 kids…going crazy. I may just have to set up something like this in my front yard…LOL!
Now the good thing about being stuck inside is that I’m caught up on EVERY show ever made on EVERY channel, I’ve done my nails about 10 times and I’ve played with Barbies and play dough. LOL A week ago I hosted a Jamberry party and have been having fun playing around with the nail wraps. I had a sample of Sweet Nothings and wanted to experiment more before I get the goodies I ordered.
I LOVE how the accent finger came out and can’t wait for warmer weather so I can try these out when I do a pedicure. I had some on during Valentine’s Day and they lasted for almost 2 weeks. Might have lasted even longer but I was tired of the design since I’m so used to changing out my color so much each week. Have any of you tried Jamberry before? What did you think? If you would like to try them out, please visit my friend Hillary’s Facebook Fan Page as well as her Jamberry site!
Linking up this week with my girl Jenni!

That Jamberry wrap is so pretty!! And two weeks of wear is freaking awesome! Your post totally had me giggling, too. This winter has been the absolute pits. I’m sure if you ever play Barbie’s again, it’ll be too soon. Haha! I’m psyched to see the other wraps you ordered! And I’ll be on the lookout for a Slap A Snowman Stand. Totally worth the price. 😉
Thanks so much Jennie! I’m loving how long they last and can’t wait to put them to the test during Spring Break next month!
I love that nail wrap!! Jamberry is freakin’ awesome!! 2 weeks on nails and 6 weeks on toes! And I’m sure the nail withstood playing with playdoh!! 😉
Hillary it withstood play dough AND barbies! LOL Can’t wait to try them out on the tosies! <3
I have a friend who’s from Nashville and she said she’s never seen a winter this cold before! LOVE those nails, so cute <3
Angelic this Winter has been brutal! Thank goodness I’ve got all these polishes and wraps to keep me busy! LOL
I’m really missing the winter season since I’m in the Middle East. I’d love to have a week of snow, boots, and times in front of the fire place.
I’m also digging the nail accent. I’ve tried applying them once and man ‘o man was it crocked.
Well you can have all of my Winter! LOL I had a bit of touble aligning them correctly at first but now I’ve got the hang out of it!
Yes smack a snowman! lol Its soooo cold. I can’t take it but I say this probably every Febuary. Love how you did one nail with the wrap. I like doing nail art but sometimes its hard to sit still and wait for them to try.
Carra I love using Sally Hansen’s quick dri polish to get them to dry super fast! And the nail wraps were aweseome since you can just apply and go!
You’re nails look great! I never paint my finger nails but I do my toes.
Girl I’m still praying for yall with all that ice! I would’ve had cabin fever to the MAX!!!!!!
Thanks Lou! And the only time I EVER show love to my poor toes is during sandal season SMH
Love the jamberry nail wraps! Got to try one out when attending a womans show here, they last quite awhile.
Isn’t it crazy how long they last. Love it!
Haha, that comic is perfect. I guess it would be rude to tell you right now that we haven’t even had ANY snow this winter and the weather here (in Oregon) has been like an early Spring lately? Sunshine and 60-70’s! Well, usually it rains so much I’m whining about that, but everything stays green. In February it usually snows at least once but not this year! I don’t mind that, though. It’s only around Christmas I want the snow, but we never get it. Okay, I’m done babbling. :p
I have yet to try Jamberry but I really want to!
Yes it would be rude and mean 🙁 haha Don’t worry my mom lives in Florida and tells me every day how nice it is. LOL
Oh my gosh, ice quakes!!! That’s crazy, I hope that you haven’t had any property damage from falling ice. And I hope the winter relaxes sometime soon, because Boston has officially run out of places to put all of this snow!! I LOOOOVE your accent nail here – what a beautiful print!
I still can’t get over all that snow in Boston…insane!
Omg just loving your nails!! The nail wrap looks pretty fabulous :):) love itttt!
Thank you so much!
Unfortunately, this weather is normal in the Mid Atlantic area, however, enough is enough – time to move on to Spring.
This is def not the norm for us and I’m over it! LOL
HAHAHA! That meme has me cracking up so hard! I do love our nails! That accent finger is gorgeous!
Thanks Echo! I think I’d make a killing setting up a stand like that LOL
Your nails look awesome!!! I so wish I have long nails to work with ;-(
Thank you! I’ve seen some other nail artists do awesome work with extrememly short nails.
I’ve heard so much about Jamberry but never tried it yet! I never have time for my nails but definitely going to make time to explore Jamberry.
They are faily easy and quick to apply which makes it good for busy people!
Your nails look amazing! I absolutely love jamberry wraps….they’re so easy to use!
Thanks and easy to use makes them even better!
I have seen how much snow the east coast has gotten!! We have had a fairly mild winter on the west coast, I hope you guy get a break soon.
Thanks! The west coast is probably like look at all the crazy people and their weather LOL
I have never tried jamberry buy they look awesome! I too am ready for winter to go away, i live in the poconos and miss my unicy driveway lol
I remember going to the poconos to ski! I bet you’re even more anxious to tell winter good bye than me LOL
I’ve to get my daughter jamberry wrap! It looks so cute! We have no winter here tough, already seeing some spring flowers :0)
They make wraps for little fingers too and I’m so jealous of your spring flowers!
I have definitely got to go find me a couple of snowmen. Heck a whole family of snowmen I’m do done with winter pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! I ‘m ready for the tulips!
The only good thing out of the snow was my 5yo got to go sledding and enjoy it. Other than that I’m done with winter too! LOL
I havent been to your page in a while but I love the new look, logo and everything! Also I love these nail decor yasss it all of it!
Hey Kiwi! Thanks and don’t be a stranger 😉
I am in love with Jamberry nail stickers! They work so great and they make my nails look awesome!
I love that they have all those awesome designs since my skills stink LOL
I love yout nails!! but i agree this winter has been the worst so far and im in NJ ugh i just sunnnn!!! def week from winter hell LOL
Thank you! I can’t even imagine how crazy it is for the NE. Hope you all get a break and warm, sunny weather soon too!