So…if you’ve been following Sybil and me for a while then you know that I could not care less about having my hair grow to my butt. But recently I went to barber to have him fade my sides and trim the top. He did such a crappy job that I ended up going to a stylist to have her chop off the top and make it look normal! It was probably one of the worst hair cuts that I’ve had in a long time. I went from about 6 inches on top to 2! I let Sybil grow out for a good 5 months to get the length I wanted on top and that knucklehead jacked it all up! I may or may not have shed a tear…LOL!
Now before this horrific haircut, Sybil and I were sashaying all up in the wind looking cayute! That twist-out was EVERY.THANG! And *poof* just like that…it’s gone! #soulcry
So now my mission is to grow my hair back to that length (on top). Earlier this year I had tried The Mane Choice Manetabolism Hair Skin & Nail vitamins and I loved the results. I can’t speak for how fast my hair grew but my nails were the strongest and healthiest they have ever been! A lot of people had problems with breakouts. The one brand that broke me out the worst were the gummies from Nature’s Bounty! My skin looked horrid! I know everyone has different experiences with hair growth and how their skin reacts but I can speak for myself and say that this had the least side effects for me which is a win-win! And my nails have been looking so pitiful lately and I can’t wait to get back on track with all my epic fail nail art posts! LOL
If you want to try out the vitamins you can purchase them from Amazon and get free shipping!
Right now my hair is currently about 2 inches and I plan to update each month and let you know how my hair, skin and nails are doing.
Have you tried Manetabolism Healthy Hair Vitamin (30 day supply) 60 capsules before? If so I would love to know what you think!
*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I will use the money made to buy nail polish…and more wine!*
Girrrrrl! I’ve been there with the haircut from hell. From sloppy to just plain boxy. However, I found the best barber and must are hot. I found that you have to find a barber that knows how to cut women. A lot of them don’t and they assume that just because you have short hair that you want a cut like a man.. Currently, I’m using GNC Be- Beautiful hair skin nails vitamins and I love the results.
Ericka it was boxy and he cut the front section down. I was like “nobody asked for a taper at the front” -_- ugh! But it’s all good and it’s just hair so it will be back on no time! LOL
I am so sorry about what that barber did to you. But new journey here you go! That purple is amazing on you
Chevanne thank you! And I’m the queen of growing out my hair so this should be pretty easy…LOL!
i haven’t tried that yet, but have tried plain ole biotin!
My nails are def happy so it’s a win win for me! haha