When I first went natural 4 years ago I got sucked into all things natural…when it came to my hair. I tried every product none to man and even attempted to make a few of my own. Sometimes you just need to leave well enough alone… LOL
So I decided to try and make my own flax seed gel. #FAIL
The recipe I used was:
1/2c of flax seeds
2 cups of distilled water
*a few drops of essential oil (optional)
Once you boil your mixture, you will start to see the water congeal. After boiling for about 5 minutes, remove the mixture and use a strainer or thin pantyhose. The seeds are really tiny so a colander won’t work and don’t be like me and use tights. (Let’s just say I did a lot of squeezing for a tiny bit of gel!)Then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, mix and you are done! It’s best to refrigerate the mixture and it’s good for about a week.
Now let’s rewind back to why I feel this turned out to be a fail for me. I think my first mistake was using too many seeds. After checking out other recipes a lot of people used 2 tbs-1/4 cup. My second mistake was using a pair of old tights. They don’t make it easy to try to squeeze the gel out. And my third and final mistake was thinking I was some sort of kitchen scientist. I’m going to leave all of these homemade concoctions to the “professionals” and go back to studying up on my natural hair topics.
This is an old pic (pre-purple) but it actually worked pretty good on my hair! Do you have anything that you tried to make and it turned out to be more of a headache? Feel free to share the love! LOL
Ha!! That’s why I never true to make my own hair stuff. I’ll let someone do it for me but never on my own!!! LOL it looked good in your hair though!!
Oh I def leave that up to others now! The only thing I whip up now is my bentonite clay face mask. LOL