Happy Tuesday curlies! Ok so as you know if you’ve been with me for a while that Sybil is what I named my hair. You may also know that she’s been pretty pissed at me ever since I cut her off! If you missed the letter she wrote me, read it here. The reason I named my hair Sybil is because of all the different textures (personalities) that she has going on. I never noticed it when I was relaxed but my oh my when I went back to being natural Ms. Sybil came out in full force! Needless to say sometimes this would make it hard for me to figure out the best products and styles. Luckily for me I finally figured it out…until I chopped her off again!
Last December I decided to get my hair flat ironed. I went a whole year with no heat and taking care of my tresses. Check out my journey from November 2011 – December 2012.
And now we are basically back to square one! This past January I ended up cutting it all off again because I ended up with heat damage. Ugh…I’m still mad about that but I’ve also enjoyed having shorter hair since it’s so much easier. Now I’m on a quest to grow Sybil back so I can rock a big ass obnoxious fro. LOL But lately I’ve been dealing with a dry heap of mess on my head. So what do I do now? Well I take the advice I gave to others when they first went natural.
Below are a few tips to help the new natural:
Water: When you were relaxed the thought “Water ain’t nuthin’ but the debil” (in my Momma Boucher voice from Water Boy) may have run through your mind. We would avoid it all cost right down to not trying to break a sweat. But natural hair LOVES water and thrives on it. When looking for a product to moisturize your hair, water should be the first ingredient. A lot of naturals like to make their own sprays using distilled water with oils such as jojoba, grape seed and castor oil. It’s also crucial for your hair, as well as your health, to also drink 6-8 glasses of water. I can definitely see a difference when I’ve been slacking on my water.
Deep Conditioning: Weekly deep conditionings are very important. Hair steamers can also be used with conditioning. The steam will drive the product deep into the hair, leaving it smooth and shiny. If you don’t own a hair steamer, placing a plastic cap over your hair while you deep condition can be just as effective. There are a lot of homemade concoctions that you can whip up at home with ingredients that you already have.
Products: Where do I begin? There are a million and one products out there for natural hair and many claim to do things that they will never be able to deliver on. What works best for most naturals is finding another natural with a similar hair texture. When trying new products, it’s also best to give it a try for 1-2 weeks and limit how many you use. This way you know what works and what doesn’t.
So what are your tips to maintain moisture? Has your regimen and products you use changed since you first became natural? Comment below and share your knowledge!
veronica says
Ok, I am fascinated/jealous/intrigued at hair your length and texture! You rock all of those looks so well. I would love to look stylish in short curly locks. Alas, that is not my lot in life. Don’t get me wrong, I think my hair compliments me. But I always thought it be so cool to rock a good Grace Jones Do.
Alisha says
Thank you so much Veronica!!! And I love your hair…LOL! But I seriously can’t wait to have Ms. Sybil leave this “toddler” stage and become a “cougar” hahaha!