A lot of people like to wait until the new year to get their ish together and work on health and fitness goals. There’s no better time like the present so why not get your butt in gear and start now so that by this time next month you’ll be ahead of the game.
You know that saying about summer bodies are made in the winter…well they weren’t lying! You may be thinking its entirely too cold to even thinking about wearing a bikini or that cute dress next summer but before you know it you’ll look up and be like I spent all winter living like a sloth and now I’m paying for it. We all know that eating right and exercising are what you are supposed to do, but sometimes you just get in a rut and then it’s “Oh I’ll get back on track tomorrow” or “I won’t eat that again”. Well the time has come and it means no more excuses. So if you’re like me, meaning human, then you can still get back on track!