A few weeks ago my daughters and I were invited by Janice of JanicePerson (blog), who works for Monsanto, to visit Batey Farms which is about 40 miles just outside of Nashville, TN. Part of one of the farms is located directly across the street from one of my favorite shopping centers and I’d always wondered they grew.

Janice and I “cheesin” inside the Batey Farms store.
Batey Farms is an 8th generation family owned and operated hog, row crop, and hay farm that prides itself on being noble stewards of the land and animals that they have the pleasure to care for.
Since 1807 dating back to a Revolutionary war land grant, their farm has been in production agriculture. They have continued to grow and take advantage of new technologies that date back to running water and electricity to new age GPS, field mapping, data collection and variable rate seed, fertilizer and chemical placement to ensure that they are doing all that they can to provide a secure and safe environment for our animals, our family and for all those around us!
I’m pretty sure in another life my youngest daughter lived in the wilderness. There is no other explanation for why that child loves to be outdoors so much. I am not an outdoorsy person and as soon as we got out the car at the farm she took off running like the wild child she is. She explored the entire farm and even had a chance to sit in a tractor and get an up close look at what soybeans look like still in the field. [Read more…]