Typically I’m not one to give into peer pressure, but the blogging world will have you doing things you NEVER dreamed of…like posting.every.d*mn.day! -_- I’m not about that life but I want to break outside of my little box and spread my wings.
Several of my blogging boo’s out there in cyber world are doing NaBloPoMo. If you’re like me than you might have also been asking “what in the world does that even mean?” Is it a new food dish…an exercise…what?!?! NaBloPoMo also known as National Blog Posting Month. Basically you will post daily for 30 days. I’m good for posting twice a week and I barely made it today!
My goal during the month are to share more of who I am and give you all a different perspective of me. Many probably think I just sip on my wine, paint my nails and share funny pics of my kids. While that is basically my life 90% of the time (haha) I have so many other cool things going on that I usually just reserve for close friends since I don’t want to bore everyone with the mundane.
I think the last challenge I did for 30 days was the squat challenge and that was about 2 years ago…that’s just sad! Let’s see if I can make it this time with my writing. Hope to see you around during the month and can’t wait to share stories of others as well.
Welcome welcome! Lol you can do it! Even if you talk about what glass of wine you had and why you picked it. I’ll read lol
So, I love that I know you in real life now and know the cadence of your speech so when I read your posts I can hear you. When you said “that’s just sad” about ur squat challenge I cackled. I heard you there hehe. But um yeah back on point yay for nablopomo!!
I’m a glutton for punishment. I do it every year and not really sure if I have ever succeeded. Lashawn wins every year! Can’t wait to see what content you put out!