A lot of people like to wait until the new year to get their ish together and work on health and fitness goals. There’s no better time like the present so why not get your butt in gear and start now so that by this time next month you’ll be ahead of the game.
You know that saying about summer bodies are made in the winter…well they weren’t lying! You may be thinking its entirely too cold to even thinking about wearing a bikini or that cute dress next summer but before you know it you’ll look up and be like I spent all winter living like a sloth and now I’m paying for it. We all know that eating right and exercising are what you are supposed to do, but sometimes you just get in a rut and then it’s “Oh I’ll get back on track tomorrow” or “I won’t eat that again”. Well the time has come and it means no more excuses. So if you’re like me, meaning human, then you can still get back on track!
Here are my 5 tips to getting back on track after a fitness break:
- Get rid of the crap – typically this would mean just food, but you also have to get rid of toxic people and environments. Stock up on healthy foods and check out Pinterest for great recipes and tips. There are so many other things to add a bit of wow to your meals so that everyone (including the kids) will enjoy eating healthier. Since I’ve been vegan since the beginning of the year I’ve REALLY been getting bored lately. Luckily I’ve also been checking out cookbooks from the library when I get bored with Pinterest…not that that could ever happen!
- Find a workout buddy – for me this has been the hardest. Since I’m working from home now my schedule is more flexible during the day. The majority of my workout buddies are all virtual and it’s just not the same as having someone local to help give me a quick swift kick in the arse when I want to be lazy.
- Set goals – you all have no idea just how freaking hard AND easy that can be! I mean just saying I’m going to work out “x times this week” is so much easier than just doing it. But in order to stay motivated and on track I have to set goals or I’ll just say screw it and just grab a
bottleglass of wine. What…no judging people! LOL - Being accountable – start tracking your fitness and eating habits. When you write them down then you actually know how you are doing. There are a ton of apps to keep up with what you eat, how often you exercise and how many calories you’re burning.
- Try something new – sometimes we can just get bored doing the same thing. If your workouts are starting to become mundane, try something new! Try a spinning class, yoga, line dancing, Zumba or even pole dancing! I’ve been dying to try a pole dancing class.
What are some tips that have helped you get back on track after a fitness break?
MamaB says
Great tips! Getting started is the hardest part!
Coily Locks says
Getting started sucks! And what’s worse is going strong at it, getting sick and trying to get back on track. *sigh*
Alicia says
These are some wonderful tips. I am such a huge slacker. I need help with a motivator. I go to the gym and I don’t push myself as much as I should. I have tried a Zumba class. I have no rhythm and I look a mess doing it, but I do it..LOL Thank you so much for sharing these other fitness blogs. It will help me stay motivated. I love the new look of the blog!! 🙂
Coily Locks says
Thanks Alicica! Now as long as you are moving and breaking a sweat it doesn’t matter how crazy you look. There’s this one lady at Zumba class that I just stay away from because she is ALWAYS going in the wrong direction. LOL
Amelie says
This is very informative and lovely presentation is here. Thank you.
Antionette Blake says
I can’t wait for the weather to break so I can break up my afternoons at work with a walk – think I am getting “a blogger’s butt”!
Coily Locks says
When Spring hits, me and outdoor activities are no longer friends for a while. This allergy season is already proving to be bad for me.
Michelle Garrett says
Great reminders! Especially # 1!
Katheryn Kirkman says
I can completely relate to this blog..Ive been trying to think of ways to get back to the healthier me..but its so hard when its cold out and I juat want to eat comfort food and curl up in a blanket! Great tips in this article!
Zar Santos says
I love the tip number 2! Having someone to do things with makes it more easier to be motivated to do it. I don’t know for others, but for me, having a buddy lessens the tendency for me to be lazy and just give up.
Durand Worthey says
This is great advice! It can be tough getting back up on the fitness horse when you have taken a break. The story of my fitness life!
srivari says
Exercise enhances blood flow to the brain, possibly reducing risk of stroke. It also improves reasoning and memory.Regular exercise arouses the brain and slows down degeneration of the central nervous system, which leads to slower reaction times and poorer coordination.
Bipap Machine says
Passion for fitness. Some tips for making exercise a habit. Find something that brings you joy and helps you forget that you’re even doing exercise. You’ll be surprised at how fast you learn to love it.
Cpap Machine says
I truly believe listening to your body is one of the most important things we can do for our health