Join in the fun by linking up with Mimi from Lipgloss and Binky and Lynn from LALynnsShoppe for their Manicure Monday!
Show me the money!!! Well according to all the people in the know about fashion and what not, green is supposed to be the color for 2013. I’m not sure how I feel about this color but I love how glitter jazzed it up! Glitter seems to make everything better. *throws glitters*
The verdict is still out on this color…… ( -_-)
I like the color, especially since emerald is my birthstone 🙂 But you are right glitter cures all that plagues you!
Thanks! Is your birthday in August? That’s the color for my little stinker…lol
I agree with you. The color is a little “St.Patricks-y”, am I right? LOL!
Exactly Tia! I was thinking of saving it for then but I didn’t like any of the swatches I’d done so here you go… St Patrick’s nails for Valentine’s day…hahaha!
I like it! I love Pure Ice. Quietly I think it does better than some of the higher dollar polishes. You just might have to put on about 4 coats sometimes…but who’s counting! I happen to like the green and the shimmer.