This post is sponsored by the Center for Parent and Teen Communication. All opinions are my own.
How you would fall asleep in your car seat after being in the car for about 1 mile. How I was convinced you were reading before age 2 because you memorized Goodnight Moon. How you would make this adorable face when we said “make the mean face”.
How you get ready and drive yourself to your first job. How you help your little sister with her math homework. How you discuss your political views and current events with such poise that it brings me so much joy about the young woman that you’re becoming.
While I’d love for you to be my little girl forever I know that at some point I have to let you go and grow on your own.
Even though parenting a teenager can be stressful, the video is a great reminder of how all the things we enjoyed about our teens as babies is translated into them becoming young adults. Dr. Ginsburg wrote a great article about this for The Center for Parent and Teen Communication (CPTC). CPTC is a new, valuable resource for every parent navigating the teen years. There are so many excellent resources to help parenting teenagers.
What are some of your favorite memories of your baby? What things are your teens doing now that have you beaming with joy?
I’ve got some years to go before he becomes a teenager, but RJ had me fooled that he could read too with the hungry caterpillar!