First off, I am soooo happy to be back home after being out of town for 2 weeks to help my mom out after she had eye surgery. The first 2 weeks of the challenge were not the best for me but thank goodness I still managed to lose a few pounds. I’m so thankful that the place where we stayed had a nice fitness center and I was able to use their free weights in addition to the awesome videos that Nichole offers at Revolt Fitness. At the end of week 3 and I’m happy to say I’ve lost a total of 5 pounds! I plan to take some measurements again when we hit the end of week 6 and I’m hoping to see more improvements in that area.
While I was out of town I was unable to purchase all of the necessary items for my meals since we had a hotel-sized refrigerator. I drank A TON of water and watched my portions and ate a lot of lean protein and veggies. Now that I’m back home I’m looking forward to my weekly Zumba classes and getting back on track.
If you need a fitness program that includes weekly meals with recipes, fat busting/muscle-building motivating workouts for each day (with videos) then you should definitely try Revolt! Nicohle Huntsman will be starting a FREE kick-start week soon! For more information go to the website:
Disclosure: I was given a free membership to Revolt Fitness. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
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