If you’ve been with me for awhile you’ll recall when I first shared that Morgan had developed vitiligo. At the time I was mad, confused and felt guilty like it was something I had done. We all know how people can be sometimes by staring and asking questions in a very rude manner. I decided to educate myself more about vitiligo and I made sure that my main focus would be on celebrating how unique my daughter is and not harp on her differences.
Over the last 3 years not only has her self esteem not wavered, I feel like she is so much more outgoing (and definitely more outspoken). From the beginning, I wanted to make sure that Morgan was able to see other people from all over the world just like her! And can you believe that as big as the vitiligo community is it only makes up 1-2% of the world’s population. Thanks in part to Instagram I’ve had a chance to “meet” some pretty amazing people.
A little over a week ago one of the people I follow shared an image of Amy Deanna. This beautiful young lady was just named as the first CoverGirl model with vitiligo! Can I just tell you that I screamed for joy like she was family?!?! For over 20 years CoverGirl’s trademark slogan had been “Easy, breezy, beautiful…CoverGirl!” Last fall they released their new theme I Am What I Makeup. This new branding is meant to evoke confidence, power, inclusivity, and self-expression.
I reached out to Amy and she was gracious enough to take the time out of her busy schedule and do an interview with us!
Thanks in part to the amazing world of social media I stumbled across your account on Instagram after another vitiligo beauty shared it. While doing a bit of research before interviewing you, I learned that you started to develop vitiligo when you were around 18. Going from a teenager to a young adult, have you felt comfortable in your own skin during this transition?
Some days are easier than others when it comes to vitiligo. I forget that I have it sometimes.
My daughter is 8 ½ and started to develop vitiligo when she was almost 5. In the beginning I got annoyed by people staring or pointing at her. Do you ever get tired of having to address this and how do you deal with it?
I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the stares. It is tough. You go out to buy groceries or go shopping and you can feel all eyes staring at you. I just try to remember that many people might not know what vitiligo is and that it’s important to be polite even if others aren’t.
Growing up did you always want to be a model?
I was introduced to modeling as a hobby. I’m an actress and a singer. I enjoy those a lot. I just happen to model.
Congratulations again on becoming CoverGirl’s first model with vitiligo! Do you feel extra pressure as a black woman with vitiligo to speak on behalf of everyone that has the same skin condition?
I don’t feel pressure from others but I sense that it is important to represent for everyone rooting for me.
What does the CoverGirl partnership and I Am What I Make Up campaign mean to you?
This outlet is a blessing. I have a platform to say something that might make its way into the world as a positive force. I’m thankful to Cover Girl for the opportunity to be part of such a powerful campaign.
Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I will be speaking at the annual Glitz and Girl power Award Ceremony on Tue. March 27th 2018 in Miami. If you’re able to attend I’d love to see you all there. Tickets for the event can be purchased HERE!
Have you had a chance to check out the commercial?
Representation matters and I hope more fashion and cosmetic industries realize this!
I’m so glad you contacted her and connected.
It’s great that CoverGirl has taken steps towards more inclusive products and advertising.
Isn’t it awesome!
Thanks so much Dad! <3
Great Interview!!!! She’s beautiful!!!
Isn’t she tho! I’ve been cheering her on like she’s kin folk LOL
How awesome. Representation most definitely matters
Jen its so true and I’m so glad that CoverGirl stepped up!
Love! Love! Love this! I am so glad that Morgan and other little girls with vitiligo have such a wonderful role model. This makes me happy!
Thanks you! I’m so glad at how well this campaign has been received and the outpouring of support for Amy!
Great article Alisha and a wonderful way to inspire your beautiful daughter to not let anything discourage her or hold her back from achieving her dreams!
Wow, this is awesome. Thank you for sharing your daughter’s journey. I’m also glad to see/hear awareness going on about this– I know growing up, I didn’t know what vitiligo was and saw people get teased about this. 🙁
Great article, girl!
Thanks so much Tatanisha!