There I said it.
Growing and new things scare the hell out of me!
I’ve failed miserably over the last few years while trying to grow my blog from just some “mommy hobby” into something that I can call a brand…a business!
But I never gave up. Even when the naysayers were like “You should get a real job”.
I’m a creature of habit and I finally realized something had to change and I had to start believing in myself. Screw what others think or if they don’t support me!
Remember this book? My mom bought me a copy after none other than Oprah mentioned it on her show. The Secret also known as the “law of attraction,” is the idea that because of our connection with a “universal energy force,” our thoughts and feelings have the ability to manipulate this energy force to our liking. Now I know a lot of people were upset about the book because is discredits religion along with other things that I don’t even want to delve into!
But what I got out of it was that when you get hung up on everything that is going wrong in your life you miss out on all the good. I would see others around me having amazing success and growth and then this little stupid voice would go “Why can’t I have that” or “Why didn’t I get that opportunity?”
That ish will eat away at you and then you will slowly start to doubt yourself and your own potential. I don’t have time for that crap!
I have a nice, small tribe of friends that help keep me motivated and positive. They call me on my bulls*it when they need to and lift me up when I’m down. Toxic people have no place in my life or your life. Cut the cord and let them go!
I am now ready to receive and accept growth and change. As scary as it is I know the outcome will be amazing!
Love it!! My sentiments exactly!!! Screw what others think!!! This life that I am living is all about me and mine!! Actually, I am much less stressed now that I have accepted this freedom of living my life as I want!!
Sharon you are so right! I’ve had so many blessings come my way lately since I started trying to keep up with The Joneses or worry about what others think.
You got this gurl, the only one stopping you is you – reach for the moon!
It’s so true!!! I’m putting fear aside now and just going for it no matter if it flips or flops!